Global South Healthcare Journal

Global South Healthcare Journal

Global South Healthcare Journal is an international peer-reviewed journal with the aim to publish latest healthcare-related scholarly content of significant impact. The journal is envisioned as a Collaborative Journal for Healthcare Outreach in Global South.

All the submissions other than editorial and commentaries will undergo a detailed peer review process, in which articles are critically evaluated by editors (members of the Editorial Board) and other peer-reviewers for novelty, soundness, impact, reproducibility, and ethics. Editors also evaluate other peer-reviewers’ comments and authors’ responses to make a final independent decision on the acceptance or rejection of articles. Thus, editors are gatekeepers and preservers of the quality and integrity of scholarly content. Their task is pivotal in filtering and improving science for the benefit of society.

Scope of the Journal:


  1. Global South Public Health Outreach & Outcomes
  2. Healthcare Policy Review Research & Innovation
  3. One Health Mission
  4. Communicable Diseases, NCD, and Community Medicine
  5. MedTech Research & Innovations
  6. Outstanding Studies for Future Global Health Institutional and Policy Convergence & Synergy
  7. Alternative medicine, medical devices, drug development, healthcare, statistics, regulatory affairs, medical law, and ethics.

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